Saturday, September 14, 2024

My Latest Sock Making Adventure - A Brand New Tru-Knit CSM!


Recently, I purchased a Tru-Knit Circular Sock Machine.  I’d been looking at new CSMs for a while, and I had tried out the Ehrlbacher, the Lamb, and the Tru-Knit.  I liked all three.

I’ve knitted a lot of socks for at least 15 years.  I actually have owned an antique Legare 47, an antique Auto Knitter, and two antique Ehrlbachers, and I got them all to make good socks.  I owned a beautiful NZAK.  I even wrote a book, The Happy Cranker, which featured the Legare and the NZAK.

I kept the Legare and I still use it quite a lot.  I am always on the lookout for nice sock yarn, too, and I’ve gotten much pickier about sock yarn over the years. 

After I got the Tru-Knit machine I was very impressed with it.  I did a review of the machine on YouTube.  I tried to be unbiased, but honestly, I just love the machine and I really admire people who devote their resources to making excellent equipment for us knitters, even managing to manufacture in the USA.  After owning so much knitting equipment, I was just stunned at how beautifully made the Tru-Knit it and how reliably it knits.  I hope they sell LOTS of them, and I think their customers will be quite satisfied.  

As I did my review, I tried to discuss the features and give lots of information for those who are actually shopping for a machine.

I wanted to make sure my evaluation took into account what the machine is like to actually use, so I worked with their directions and made all the socks in their manual, trying to do them their way (which isn't quite like my CSM habitual ways of doing things.  

The review is here:

In addition, I made a series of Quick-Start lessons on the machine, hoping that I can be of service to the novice CSM knitters who might be overwhelmed with the learning curve.  Hey, CSMs are tricky to use at first!  I had a tough time myself working in a circle after years of flatbed and hand knit work.  

Even though there are lots of fabulous other videos out there, but I wanted to make just a few in logical order to get knitters who follow me started and knitting that first good sock:

Quick-Start #1 Cast-On & Knit a Tube

Quick-Start #2 Make a Hem

Quick-Start #3 Shape the Heel

Quick-Start #4 Shape the Toe

Quick-Start #5 Finish a Sock

Quick-Start #6 Knitting a First Sock - After showing the five key skills in those first 5 videos, and hoping people will practice and get comfortable, this video shows the whole sock:

Quick-Start #7 Introduction to the Ribber 

Here are a bunch of other CSM resources:

Tru-Knit Website - Shop for a CSM!  My setup in the videos is the 60-stitch cylinder and ribber with the reduced ratio setup for easy turning.  Jamie Mayfield recommended that setup to me, and it was really helpful because I probably want almost every cylinder and I had a bad case on indecision.  It’s an excellent, versatile setup and that’s where I’d start you if you were trying to decide. 

One thing that surprised me was that everything I needed was in the package.  The only thing I can think of that is badly needed in addition to that package is a sturdy stand.  If you don’t have one, get one.  They sell a folding stand on their website. 


Tru-Knit has a bunch of teaching videos, very well done, and you’re going to want more information than I gave in my brief Quick Start set.  There are so many, many tech videos to help you improve your knitting – too many to catalog here.  Go explore these!

I like their Aktiv sock yarn, which I used in the videos.  It comes on cones, the perfect put-up for CSMs.   Your socks are only as good as the yarn you use!

Another great place to learn and make friends is to join a Facebook group for CSM Knitters.  Sock crankers help each other with all kinds of questions and issues.  Don’t crank alone!

If anyone is interested in my book about making socks (using my Legare and NZAK), which has some common-sense information about a number of topics, it’s "The Happy Cranker," Diana's book teaching sock knitting on antique CSMs & the NZAK, available here:

Also, another great site for antique CSM lovers, that I’ve enjoyed for years:


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