Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day Car Show

For Father's Day, we went to the Father’s Day antique car show. I took lots of pictures. I wanted to show some of the more interesting cars to our son Steve, who had other plans, and I wanted to put the pictures up here.

We rode in the Model A. It was an incredibly hot day, but John said we’d just use the “air conditioning,” which means he opens the windshield along the bottom (it swings out). With the windows on the side, we got wind-blown and weren’t uncomfortable.

We walked around the car show in the steaming, over 100 degree heat, on asphalt. (Do I get wife brownie points for this?) There were wonderful cars there, and some of our friends were there. Everyone is very nice, and most owners are willing to answer questions about their cars. We bought a giant sugar-free shaved ice and shared it with spoons. I met a new person in our club who spends many days at these shows and brings along her crocheting!
On the way home the passenger’s floor vent was stuck open just a little (these old cars always have something-or-other needing a fix) and blowing searing air at me, right off the engine manifold. I realized after a few minutes that it was going to burn my bare legs, so John took off his sport shirt and I draped it over my legs. That worked great to keep the hot air off my skin. At some point, I began to wonder if we’d break down or even get pulled over with no seat belt (ours was giving us a problem) and dear husband naked from the waist up except for a rather battered Aussie hat! We got home okay, though.

Apparently, it’s legal to drive these old buggies without a seat belt because it wasn’t original equipment, but what if a police officer didn’t know that? I would prefer to wear a seat belt anyway.

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