Thursday, July 9, 2009

Man Selling Knitting Equipment

This weekend, I got a call from a gentleman who saw our Knit Natters website. He lives near Kerrville, Texas, and he wants to sell several machines and accessories that belonged to his late mother. He has inherited some excellent models, including a Brother punchcard standard, a Compuknit VCX (Brother 965i), a Brother 910, a Brother 260 punch card bulky, and several garter carriages. If anyone is interested in purchasing a machine, email me about it, and I will provide his contact information.

I was in a knitting mind anyway – and after talking to him, I went over to our links page to see if the DFW knitting guild site link is okay, because he hadn’t been able to access it. I found myself looking at the patterns on their site, especially a baby cardigan knitted in one piece. I knitted one – the pattern is okay, but certainly not the way I’d do it. Hmmm…the brain starts cooking up something new.

All that got me to thinking about another charity that might appreciate baby knits, a local crisis pregnancy center. I read on their website that NEW baby stuff is needed and the moms can earn things for their babies. So – if they have to use credits or whatever to get them I better knit very appealing things.
I devised a baby cardigan, done in a whole different way from the ones I’ve done before. It’s finished except for buying and sewing on buttons and some embellishment. I am still making changes but should have a completed one to photograph and post soon.

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