Monday, August 10, 2009

Status - Beginner Knitting Projects

This weekend, I got most of the beginner project videos put together, but couldn’t keep the internet up long enough at our house to upload most of them.  Hopefully, I can get them uploaded tonight.

I did a complete set of videos to knit the standard sweater – the back, front, sleeves, and steaming.

Then I did a complete set of videos to knit the bulky sweater – the bank, front, sleeves, and the steaming is the same video.

Next, I will do videos showing how the seaming will be done and the application of the neckbands.

This was duplicative, doing both standard and bulky videos.  Simply watch the ones you need, since almost every step and technique is just the same.   If you can’t get a clear enough view of the double decrease, for instance, that turned out HUGE in the bulky video, so you’ve got the other set for reference.  For now, I’ll leave the whole batch up. 

I admit I’m a novice with videos, and I’ve got a frustrating technical issue right now.  My camcorder is putting an unpleasant hum on the soundtrack (only when the battery is low and it’s plugged in) that I’d like to edit out.  I put my videos together with Windows Movie Maker.  We have an Adobe video editor that neither of us has much skill with, and we have a sound editor, but the sound track and the video track are together.  I don’t know how to split them so I can use a noise filter to get rid of as much hum as possible.  I also don’t know how to get the sound off the track so I could simply voice over it.  If someone would like to give me a lesson, I’d be very grateful!

In the meantime, I think the best thing to do is put up the videos, hum and all, because the bulky videos are so clear and easy to follow.  If I can figure out a way to fix this, I’ll replace them.  I’m under orders from Dear Husband to use that camcorder only on the battery from now on.