Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Miscellaneous Updates

NZAK: I've been guided to the Yahoo Group, sockknittingmachinefriends, and have received some good advice already. I also found a CSM person I didn't know in Georgetown, Texas, which is not far away.

The NZAK was knitting an excellent tube of ribbing last night, but John and I plan to take it apart and do a careful lube job before I knit more. I have an assortment of questions and a list of small parts and other items I need.

Weight Watchers: Weighed in, gained .4 pounds, having attended a couple parties and eaten out a few times all in the same week, while not being especially careful. I have messed up, faced the music and am getting back to business!

Video Project: A friend is going to teach me some things about video editing, and I'm going to help her with her knitting machine. This is an exciting development.

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