Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Teaser - Another Ribber Scarf Photo

Still plugging away on my "educational" scarf patterns.

Maybe you don't want an education - maybe you just want to knit some terrific scarves and try some new patterns.

It's like eating potato chips from an endless bag. I don't know how many ribber scarves I'll figure out or when I'll be finished, but I'll know when I'm done.
This one is a simple racked ribbing, not impressive at all to a Passap knitter, but why should those Swiss knitters do all the cool ribbing stitches, when so many are quite practical on a Japanese machine?

The only really tricky part is keeping track of what racking number you're on. If a stitch glitches, the phone rings, or you're called to the next room, you stop knitting. When you return, can you find your place again? After all, there are 600 rows in this project!must rack every row, this is not a motor job. I was surprised that it actually wasn't too boring or hypnotic, even though I was quite tired last night. I gradually came up with a simple way to keep my place in the racking, as well.

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