Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday Afternoon

It was inspiring to study the photos everyone sent for the May Day contest.  I'm lining up my judges, and should have a winner in a few days.  I can't post pictures today, but soon.

Friday night, the CPA chapter had its annual scholarship fundraiser.  John and I hosted a few accounting students for the party, and had a great time.  Saturday, however, was the Boy Scout council's fundraiser, for which I volunteered to work the front desk.  It was crazy busy, I was on my feet for many hours, and we got in very, very late.  So I'm one rickety old princess today, with my feet and legs needing to recover. 

I am continuing to make lace edgings and trims, and have some really good ones designed.  This is a fascinating project.  I think of two new ideas for every one I conquer. 

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