Thursday, November 25, 2010

Handsome Model

This is our son Steve, home from college for Thanksgiving, wearing the man's hat and scarf that I made on the USM.  I needed a model, and isn't he a cutie?  We are ridiculously proud of Steve, who is a fantastic student and a truly nice guy.

He said the nicest possible thing to me:  "Could I keep this?"  So, now he has a warm hat and scarf to wear in his convertible.  His current project?  Trying to score tickets for the UT/A&M game tonight in Austin.

Yes, he's in a short-sleeved T-shirt!  It was still warm here, but the temperature is dropping fast, and it's supposed to freeze tonight.   If he gets those game tickets, he can use the hat and scarf. 


  1. very posh, you described that you need an ultimate sweater machine for the project is the ism, bond classic the same as the usm? and could i use the bond classic for this project.

  2. Make it on any bulky machine. You don't necessarily need a USM.

  3. Diana, you have every reason to be proud of your son:=) Excellent job on the USM! Best wishes Naomi
