Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mittens to Match


  1. Diana,

    I am just loving these projects you are doing on the USM. I did have one of these, but could not make it work for me. I do love machine knitting and hope to make these on my LK150. I also have a KH260 and KH930 with ribbers and a passap pinkasaurus. Your blog and videos has been my knitting machine bible. God bless you for sharing your machine knowledge!!

  2. i have knitted along with you so far with the hat and scarf on my bond and are amazed with the results so are you going to make a video on these gloves or a pattern.

  3. Yes, a pattern anyway, although the lovely long weekend is about over. Work tomorrow!

    These took me a while - I had fitting issues! Think I finally have it now.

  4. i read that you couldn't do short rowing properly on the previous pair of mittens. short rowing can be done on the usm or ism. If you press down on the nose of the carriage "slightly" so the yarn catches in the hooks properly. this also works for tuck stitch.

  5. Wow, I've got to try that short-row tip.

    I made a cool short-rowed project (not photographed or up yet) but it was a one-way slant, not like the toe shape I wanted to that one kind of mitten.

    The pictured mittens have no short row shaping.
