Sunday, December 12, 2010

Staycation Day 4 - Knit Natters Party

Saturday, the Knit Natters had their annual Christmas party at Barbara's house.  We had a great party.  First we do a craft, and Sara taught us to bind little books.  We all made little books, in fact more than one, and they turned out great.

After that, we ate.  Barbara had laid out quite a spread and we all brought something, as well.

We had our gift exchange, which was a blast.

Finally, we had one final piece of club business, which was to set up a Yahoo group to make it easier to stay in touch with each other, to post a calendar, and to file photos and patterns online.  Machine knitters are welcome, especially anyone in our Central Texas area.  You ask to join, and a moderator will add you to the list.  We didn't have all the email addresses for our own members, so it'll take a little while to get it up and running.

The rest of my day was used up with shopping, getting groceries, and the like.

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