Thursday, January 27, 2011

Goldilocks Challenge Book - Shawl

Shawls are an all-time favorite gift to make and give.  They don't have to fit, they're stylish, and they're almost always received eagerly.  They're also a way to showcase pretty knitting techniques.

Of course the Goldilocks Challenge needed to include a ladies' gift with a bit of glitz.  It couldn't be only about items for keeping warm!

This is a very easy, simple, semi-circular shawl.  It's quite large.  I made the sample in a sparkly yarn (white, with a silver thread throughout) and then edged it in a silver eyelash style yarn - it's fluffy or fringey, I guess.  In this color scheme, it's a real Snow Princess shawl.  You can go crazy on the color scheme, though, since there are other pretty metalic colors available in the eyelash yarn.

Because it's big, it's not a one-sitting project.  I spent a couple hours making the main piece and then a couple of hours putting on the edging.

First, there's a shot of my sample, still just a little damp from steaming, and below, there's a shot up close, showing the edging and a bit of the sparkle.


  1. Lovely! I made a circular blanket with lace, from and often thought it'd be a nice shawl. The Bond website has a circular shawl too. I prefer a 1/2 circle (or slightly bigger) than a full circle...why go to the extra work when it just gets folded over, LOL.
    Love the silvery trim!

  2. Oh my gosh, Diana, that's absolutely gorgeous! (I like shiny things--beads, sequins, glitter, etc.. LOL!) I'm assuming you had to add the eylash yarn by hand, though, right? It's my understanding KMs don't handle the fuzzy yarns very well.

  3. This eyelash yarn goes through both the Brother bulky machine and the USM like butter. Really no problem at all!

  4. WOO HOO! That's awesome news, since I have both machines! I may have to make myself a pretty holiday shawl! Or, make a full circle, and have a fun end-table cover, or a full-circle unsewn table cover to make a tree skirt! Oh, the ideas that are popping into my head....

  5. Diana, I want to compliment you and the work you do training new machine knitters. I have learned so much from you. You are a great inspiration. Patrice, USA

  6. Hi Diana! What a great great idea this book with projects! As I wait to see ... Oh ... and why not ponchos with 2 rectangles (child and adult), dress girl jumper, baby clothes including booties and hat ... I really love your sweaters raglan! sorry these are only small suggestions ... Everything you do is so cool! bravo... Jack59 from France
