Friday, February 25, 2011


My friend (and honorary sister) Barbara is a Passap-fist.  She is Passap-fying my Beautiful Ribber Scarves.

She's been doing charts and demonstrations of this at Knit Natters meetings.  She even gave me these two samples!

First photo is her English Rib scarf in an interesting variegated cone yarn.

I put my pocket camera on "macro" and took this second, a closeup of the half fisherman (aka English Rib) ribbing.  It know it isn't well-focused, but I'll get the hang of it.  I tried it several times, and I had to hold the camera only a couple inches from the item to get it to focus in macro mode.  Maybe I should actually read the camera manual...

I used to be a decent hobby photographer with a professional SLR film camera and fancy bayonet-mount lenses. Now I'm just Miss Point 'n Click using a little pocket camera I keep in my purse.  It's with me every day, ready to go! I often use it to take pictures of people and places, but sometimes, if I see a sweater that fascinates me, I snap it.  I did this in a store once, and the kids thought I was incredibly tacky.  I never did copy that sweater, which would have looked awful on me, but every so often I look at the photo and appreciate the workmanship.  A pocket camera is a nice knitter's tool.

Last picture, and my fave of Barbara's latest Passap-fication efforts:  the yellow scarf is the 1x1 tucked ribbing.  This is a lovely soft, bouncy stitch.

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