Monday, August 29, 2011

New Video Today - Slipper to Knit for Soldiers

This really does make up quickly, and yet is an attractive, warm comfortable slipper.  It's intended as part of our project to collect knits for soldiers being deployed to Afghanistan.  Here's the pattern.

If you want to bless our soldiers with knitted goodies, you can join this Yahoo Group, ForOurTroops, where we are collecting patterns and information on the project.  Ask to join, we'll approve you, and you can share your favorite patterns for the troops.


  1. Hello Diana,

    my name is Heike and I am from Tatamagouche Nova Scotia in Canada. I
    have been following your blog for quite a while a learned a lot from
    your videos. Unfortunately there is no Machine Knitters Club in our area
    - and I live in the middle of Nowhere, as some people like to say.

    I was reading through your instructions for the "Quick & Cozy Slippers
    to Knit for Soldiers" and have a question;

    it says Arrange needles for 1x1 ribbing with end needles on main bed;
    for instance, for size *11, 33 needles in total - See {A}*

    The chart shows this would be the number of needles for *size 10.

    *Am I wrong?

    Yours sincerely,

    Heike Hacker

  2. the pattern is no longer at that link, do you have a different link? thx BJ
