Saturday, October 15, 2011

A morning to knit

Ah, a lovely Saturday, with John off with his Model A buddies and me knitting.  I'm working on a project that has been sitting here since before the Knit Natters seminar.  Here's my progress so far -

I knitted this round Entrelac sweater yoke in a circular fashion. The only triangles are at the top and bottom.  I love the look of round yokes, and I like the fit too, since they are actually a raglan variation.  This yoke will have cream-colored ribbing at the neck instead of that brown waste yarn, and the sweater will be the forest green color.  Of course, the lavender is waste yarn.

On my screen the forest green isn't showing up terribly well, but in the actual knitting, it looks great. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations is beautiful talented six never be able to do
    If I were to try to ask how I can do it
    Hello Vanda
