Sunday, February 26, 2012

Putting Knitting Pattern on Kindle - At Ozlorna's blog

As a big Kindle fan myself, here's how Ozlorna puts patterns on her Kindle.

It's hard to picture myself distilling a pattern down into those few notes when I could just take it along and read it, but on the other hand, what a great way to study a pattern before beginning to knit.

My Kindle is nearly always busy when I machine knit, because I use earbuds to listen to books on all the boring stretches of knitting and handwork. 

I have thought seriously about putting hand knitting patterns on the kindle, though, since it's with me all the time.  I have also thought about publishing to the Kindle for my customers, but right now, one of my distinctives is that I mail out a real book with a lie-flat spiral binding and lots of clear photographs, usually in full color (most of my books are color all the way through), along with a DVD that shows hands-on techniques needed for the items.  I personally prefer to take a real book to the knitting machine with me, and I often add post-its and margin notes to the book as I work.

I have also thought about putting continuing education books, which usually come to me in .pdf, on my Kindle so it could read that information to me while I knit.  But so far, I haven't had that kind of ambition.  Having my Kindle read mostly fun things to me is a lovely way to make commuting, housework, and knitting multiple samples more enjoyable. 


  1. I still have my pencil notes and can write up any last minute changes if I have any. But I have everything I need to get the piece knitted. If I need something more specific, I can expand the instructions.

  2. I convert my patterns into a .pdf that I can put either on my nook or onto my iPad. If I find an online version of a pattern I want to knit, I simply copy and paste the text into Word, then save it as a .pdf. I agree that a real, paper pattern is handier when actually knitting because you can write corrections and adjustments into the pattern, but the nook and iPad have search and highlight capabilities so you can find your place easily if you have to take a break.

  3. EzPDF reader either for Android or Apple iOS, it is great! you can use a highlighting square and make notes, collapse or expand notes.
    I have it on my NookColor

  4. Sheesh! I feel like Wilma Flintstone! I just found out my Kindle could read to ME!! Whoo da thunk?

  5. Say, Anonymous,

    Not all Kindles read to you, but my model does - it's a Kindle 3. Some people can't stand the mechanical voice. I just love it - because I spend so many hours driving, knitting, and doing mindless chores like putting away laundry.
