Saturday, June 16, 2012

Friday's Adventure

On Friday, John and I took the Model A to San Gabriel Park in Georgetown, Texas, where a Cub Scout day camp was finishing for the week.  The plan was to let the kids see an old-time automobile.

Unfortunately, the day camp happened at the same time as another event that most of the active Model A club members attended, so we were the only ones to bring a car.  I finally realized the one terrific thing about having a beater antique car instead of a gloriously-restored, showroom-shape one like some of our friends:  since everything on it needs work, it was okay with us for the kids to climb all over it.  We lined 'em up and let them climb onto the rumble seat, stand on the running boards, and take turns sitting in the driver's seat and passenger seat.  The kids just loved it, but eventually, we had to tell the kids that anyone who hit the "Ah-Oh-Ga" horn too long had used up his turn in the driver's seat!  The horn noise was definitely getting on our nerves.

The grownups running the camp (most of whom are volunteers in the 95 degree heat, bless them) were astonished that we'd let the kids climb on it, but actually was perfectly fine with us.  The children didn't hurt the car at all. Once we showed them, the kids were good about stepping on the step area on each rear fender and each side of the rear bumper to get up into and out of the rumble seat, but unlike adults, they'd stand high on the car and just jump down into the dirt.

I very much wanted a photo of the little guys' delighted faces as they pretended to drive, but with the bright sunlight, the cab of the car is too dark and you just can't see the kids inside very well.  Here's a shot with my John in his Scout shirt.


  1. I bet you were the cool parents, the house every kid hung out at huh? Both of you are wonderful to let the children see and touch some history.

  2. Sounds like you had a fab day. I am sure the kids enjoyed your car alot more, to be able to touch something just makes it more real.

  3. I think we were okay parents. We have a wonderful marraige, so the home is peaceful, and a strong faith. However, we were fairly strict with our kids by today's standards, and we expected them to work hard in school.
