Saturday, May 4, 2013

Keep Us In Your Prayers

Since we knitters are like family, I feel the need to share this.  My husband John's brother Timothy is desperately ill and has been in the hospital the last few days.  He is so much worse today that now he is not expected to survive.

Those of you who pray, please pray for Tim, John, their sister Laura, and their mom Barbara.

Update:  Tim passed away a little while ago. 


  1. So sorry. Will remember you in my prayers. ;-) Sending healing thoughts your way.

  2. So sorry to hear that. Condolences to your family.

  3. Difficult times for you all, so sorry to read this Diana. Standing by you in thought and wishing you all God's blessings and strength to sustain you in the days to come.

  4. The Family will be in my thoughts and prayers at this sad time.
    Kindest regards Anne

  5. Your Family will be in my thoughts and prayers at this sad time. Kindest regards Anne

  6. So sorry to hear of your loss. May your Faith bring you comfort.

  7. Praying for your comfort and strength in the difficult days ahead.

  8. Our heartfelt sympathy for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, John and his family during this difficult time.

  9. Im so sorry to hear of your loss, you are in my thoughts.
    Elisa from Germany

  10. Diana, I´m so sorry about your great loss. I enclose your brother-in-law and all of your family in my prayers. May God give you all the help and strength that you need in those days. Gabriele

  11. I'm sorry about Timothy.

  12. Accept my condolence

  13. Thanks everyone, for the outpouring of sympathy and support. What a family knitters are! This happened awfully fast, but the family is doing okay.

    I'm getting back to normal, too, and will be sending out some knitting and seminar updates over the next few days.

  14. You are such an inspiration to so many people, not just for your sharing and teachings, but for your attitude and your faith. I want to take this time to say how appreciative I am for you, and how terribly sorry I am for your loss.

    Donna in Ohio
