Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Inspiration at Tom Machine Knitting Guy - and a few notes

Check out the great-looking socks at Tom's blog:

Socks are my go-to project for anti-stress knitting, too.  I love small projects!  (Lately, I've been feeling like doing more clothing projects, but too many other things in the finish-me hopper before I get to start a new project group.)

Next item:  Comments - If you're a real knitter and want to comment, I love to see your comments and I'll put them up.  For many machine knitters, the online community is the only available knitting guild, and I often hear how knitters enjoy seeing what other people think and are knitting.

My comments are moderated, that is, I approve them before they go up.  So, if someone's trying to use my blog to post links to non-knitting websites or even bad places, nope, I'll delete a comment like that.  It's probably not a good idea to click on links in comments, anyway, unless you know the commenter.

And finally - A reader clued me in that I didn't have a link to the fingerless mitts in the free project videos on the left-hand side of the blog.  I've added them, and a couple other projects, too.

1 comment:

  1. Love that baby blanket. I have a bunch of pastel fingering and sport weight baby yarns I bought sight unseen and I hate them (not a fan of solid pastel peach or mint green) and I lost my interest in making baby clothes as my grand daughters got older. . But, mixing them in tuck stitch with white is a great idea. Thanks!
