Saturday, November 1, 2014

Knitting Idea Attacks

Does anybody else, besides crazy me, ever get a knitting idea and then can't sleep?

Facebook buddies gave me an idea, through their discussion of socks yesterday, that I know I will absolutely have to knit.  I woke up at 5:30 with the idea pretty much mapped out in my mind and that wired feeling you get when the adrenalin hits.  This is a much better version of wide-awake-at-once than hearing a noise and wondering if you have a burglar!  Just the same, I was wide awake and that was the end of sleep.

I call these episodes "knitting idea attacks," and they happen the most at nighttime.  While my brain is supposedly resting, and I am snoozing, it's busily working on its little puzzles. 

However, I couldn't knit right away, because DH John was sleeping soundly and the knitting room is right across the hallway..  And now, I'm blogging when I should be making breakfast.  I hear him moving around up least there's coffee, sugar.

We have a day trip today, but I still think I can get to this knitting idea before the weekend's over.

1 comment:

  1. Had the same thing happen just the other morning and my idea actually worked out so I was doing the happy dance. Please share how you make out.
