Monday, February 16, 2015

Inspiration at Knitting Up a Storm - Extra-Warm Mittens

When you click on this interesting mitten post, be sure and scroll down and see that she used roving for all the rainbow dots and left chunks of the roving on the side of the mittens for warmth.  She calls them "thrums," which is a new word for me.

There's a photo of the mittens inside-out.

My original reaction to these mittens was that they look big, like oven mitts.  Well, that roving is the reason why. 

Yes, I think we can easily do this on the machine.  Hmm.  So many ideas, so little time!


  1. the direct translated word in swedish is water carry mittens i guess from back in the day when it was cold fetching carrying water they are supposed to be very warm with all te wool inside!

  2. I have hand knitted thrummed mittens. The secret is to avoid having them look like boxing gloves, the thrums need to be thinner to avoid bulk. My instructor helped me "draft them a bit" ( as in spinning) to 3 inches then folded over the needle and knitted in on alternate rows. I saw a video online that does thrum mittens on a knitting machine. The row following the thrums is used to lock it in place. Don't remember how. I'd love Diana to show us on a video. Go Diana!
