Saturday, July 16, 2011

All Kinds of Updates

Happy Saturday!

John is doing brake work on his car, which means I'm on my own a while, so I might as well do some projects. Here are some updates and miscellany:

1. I've had a very good response to the beginner course DVDs. I've already shipped quite a few, and John just carried a bag to the mailbox (domestic orders - international will have to go out on Monday, 'cause he has to go inside and pay for postage). One of my readers went all the way through the material already, and told me that it is clear, like looking over my shoulder, and that there was new material on there even for an experienced knitter. I'm very, very happy that I did the work to redo the beginner course - people want it and it turned out well.

2. I keep plotting ways to get more knits for the troops. Hey, join us! Knit a little love! Tom (Las Vegas Tom, the man with the RECIPE for whitening your plastic machine) has sent me a pattern I intend to try today while John's busy, and it's an extremely efficient watch cap for keeping our heroes' ears warm. I think it will make a good video - stay tuned. And, it only takes a few minutes and a little bit of 4-ply yarn on your bulky machine with ribber.

3. We're moving at work (Capitol Area Council, Boy Scouts), so my workdays have been crazy. I need to get a new server and network running there - so it's back to the office for me later today to see if a big file copy worked. Thank goodness we have an expert to help me figure this out! In two weeks, we're in a new building, so we're close enough to the deadline that I guess it's time to panic. Putting that on my calendar: Panic, 9:00 a.m., Monday. No, make it Tuesday. Mondays are hard enough without scheduling a complete Panic. Our new facility is fantastic.

4. Hey, fellow Kindle lovers, I just finished a wonderful thriller by C.J. West, Sin and Vengeance. This was utterly engrossing, with lots of action, plot twists, a truly terrifying villain, and inexpensive for the Kindle as well.  I also read parts of a few other things which weren't worth my time and I promptly deleted them without finishing - I'm getting ruthless!  Currently enjoying What's So Great About Salvation, a Christian book that's short, a very good explanation of what Christians believe about this, and free right now.  If you see a free book you want, you need to grab it, since they're not free for long.  Have you checked out this very good free Kindle book site, Free Books for Your Kindle?

5.  I did some website work.  I updated, my shopping site, getting all the books and DVDs on with the prices, shipping, and tax.  This morning, I changed this blog's layout a little.

6.  Last but not least, I'm coming up on a big anniversary.  July 26, 2009, I put up my first video, "Before Knitting, Threading Machine."  Whew.  That title can never compete with "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes," but I sure have had fun.  The 26th, by the way, is the last day that Capitol Area Council is open at our old building (43 years old, actually), and another big day for me.

7.  Getting together with the Deikes soon.  The guys are going to upgrade two Passap consoles to 32K from 8K memories.  The girls are going to work on seminar class schedules.  Don't forget, Knit Natters has a seminar coming up in October, more details to come.  Did you know we have a Yahoo Group, Knit Natters, for our club?  If you're interested in MK and live anywhere in range of our knitting club, you might want to join this group.  You need a Yahoo ID and the rest is easy.

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