Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Video for Brother 970 Knitters

I had questions about how to knit Enchanted Edgings (my automatic lace edging patterns) on the Brother 970.  It seems there was confusion about which way to put in the charts, and whether to choose "lace carriage," and whether to do "memos," and so forth.  In view of the difficulty explaining all those things with only words, I just did a video:

Executive summary:

  • Put it in as a 2-color fairisle chart, black and white dots
  • Enter the chart exactly the way it looks in the book
  • Choose regular carriage, when you're "positioning" the pattern
  • Make sure (same as any other machine) that you turn off end needle suppression on the lace carriage
  • Make sure that you only have one carriage on the needle bed at a time.
  • Don't fool with "memo" or any of that - just use the lace carriage when scattered needles are selected and use the main carriage when blocks of needles are selected.
Yup, I know I'm still supposed to try it on Studio!  I did acquire a machine for that purpose, but haven't had a chance yet.


  1. Hi Diana,
    On your commercial page for dvd, the link is wrong, under:
    "... Rapunzel's Braid, and Into the Woods. To see photos of all these edges, click here."

  2. I see the problem - a missing T. Here is the correct link:

    I will have to get this fixed.

  3. Diana,I sure hope you can do a dVD helping those of us that are lost on the KH970, even if we understand the 930 and 940 models! Thanks so much for ALL you do! Blessings, Cobi

    1. oh yes , I'm really stuck on my 970 cb 1 , doing a front and I'm at the neck , i have 52 sts on one side and 52 sts on the other , the manual is telling me to put the needles on the cb1 in working position and the rest on hold , on my cb is this L 52 L 9 so my guess is i have to put the first left 52 sts in working position and 9 extra sts also in working position , so am i going to be decreasing sts on the left , I'm lost , please somebody help me

  4. Hi Diana, I'm enjoying reading your book Enchanted Edgings and watching the CD that comes with it! I've been trying to set up my Brother 970. I was able to change the end needle selection function on the lace carriage, but the K-carriage on the 970 seems different than the 965 and when attempting to change the underneath of the carriage for end needle selection on the 970, the spot where you insert the transfer tool doesn't have a slot! I'm thinking now that it's the KC setting that controls the end needle selection - or is there something I'm missing?! Thank you for your help!

    1. You can turn end needle suppression on and off on the lace carriage with that tool trick. With the main carriage, you use the different KC settings.
