Sunday, June 10, 2012

Quick Slipper Update

I am getting a very positive response to the no-sew lined slipper.   Yesterday at Knit Natters meeting, I demonstrated it on the spur of the moment, since my friends were curious about it since we're planning our Slippers for Soldiers knit-in.  I've been quite immersed in developing and knitting this and wasn't sure whether it would be clear for other people.  I demoed a whole lined slipper in about 30 minutes with it coming off the knitting machine assembled, and my club is enthusiastic about knitting them during the knit-in.

Today I found some time to work on the size charts.  I believe I have the math cracked, but need to knit more samples to make sure everything is good.  The tricky thing about the sizing is that the lining fits the foot, while the outer slipper is a little bigger.  My intent is to make a slipper book with an assortment of my slippers (which, considering they all go on feet, are all quite different), in plenty of sizes, and all the slippers for all three major machine gauges - standard, mid-gauge, and bulky. My customers needs patterns for their own machines.

I'm about to go take the first crack at filming the slipper knitting.  Relaxing a few minutes first with a blog post, a cool drink and nice air conditioning before I go turn on the big lights.

As for formats, I do get requests for .pdfs and ebooks.  I doubt if I'll start publishing .pdfs anytime soon, because I typically sell a spiral-bound paper booklet from 30-40 pages long, printed in full color with plenty of photos and charts, plus a DVD showing all the key techniques in hi-def video. 

Ebooks, on the other hand, are an interesting possibility, if I come across a project where it would work.  I just haven't met that project, so far.

I would also like to explore doing webinars.  It's so much fun to go to an MK seminar, but it's not accessible to everyone.  I'd like to come up with a very enjoyable virtual seminar, and maybe webinars are a way to do it.  Just mulling it over, and would love your comments.


  1. A webinar would be great! As you know here in Las Vegas there are no clubs, the yarn shops cater to hand knitters and you can count me in to participate.

  2. Oh wow! That would be so ground-breaking! There are many who don't have seminars locally and can't travel, and this would be a way for all to participate and experience seminars. You're generosity and dedication to teaching the art of machine knitting is admirable, and the multi-media options offered give everyone an option. I'm in. And as usual, can't wait for you're next project. We are so blessed!

  3. You should look at Craftsy, I have taken a class there and enjoyed the format and being able to go at my own pace. Once you enroll in a class you can access it any time you wish. There are videos, projects to print and online chat with the teachers. I Like it a lot. Linda

  4. I love the idea of a webinar. We have no machine knitting close to where I live so that would be a way to learn without traveling. Sign me up.
