Saturday, December 15, 2012

Our Son Graduated from A&M Friday

Texas A&M University
December 14, 2012
Steven James Sullivan
Bachelor of Science
Cum Laude
Here's our son, Steven, receiving his diploma Friday morning.  The "cum laude" was a marvelous surprise, since his science major was so difficult, especially these last couple of semesters.
In the photo, he said later that he took a few seconds to tell Dr. Loftin how wonderful the enhancements and improvements Dr. Loftin has begun in his tenure as President of A&M.  Steven isn't bashful, is he?  Later during our day at College Station, Steven told us about some of Dr. Loftin's initiatives and pointed out projects under construction.  Of course, our son was thrilled with this last Aggie football season, and he thinks A&M joining the South Eastern Conference was great.
We're not sure what's next for Steven, who is applying for grad school, researching career options and trying to figure out what will fit best for him, plus working at his little event business.  He claims a haircut is in his near future, but I've heard that one before!  We might have felt sad about him being "all grown up," but Steven has been so independent for so long, that we really weren't feeling that, just nostalgia for the fun we had raising him.  A&M held a beautiful ceremony (they are doing three ceremonies this weekend to graduate over 3,000 students), John got some good photos, we went out for a nice celebratory meal, and we visited with our son at the house he shares with two other guys.  Before we drove back to Austin, he gave us big hugs and told us how much he appreciated us.


  1. Congratulations to Steven and to his wonderful supportive parents! My daughter (also very independent) graduated from Rice University a few years ago and I remember the mix of emotions. After a Peace Corps tour in Kazakhstan she is now going to work at Accenture Consulting, so a new chapter begins. I wish Steven happiness in pursuing his dreams....I know he will be successful!

  2. Congratulations to Steven and his parents

  3. That's wonderful! Congratulations to all of you!

  4. Congratulations for Steven's achievement! As parents I know how you must feel. You've done an amazing job.

  5. Congrats! We had 2 that graduated this year, so know the feelings well!

  6. How wonderful for you and how very proud you must be of your son.
