Friday, July 1, 2016

Miscellaneous Updates...

I haven't blogged much lately, but I do keep on cooking along.

Our club decided not to do a seminar in August. As a matter of fact, Knit Natters is in flux with our president resigning because she has too much going on, and attendance down for the summer.  Gosh, I've known since I had my own yarn shop that most folks don't knit during the summer, just us crazed diehards. 

Barbara and I are very concerned about the general downturn in attendance.  We're going to have the July meeting at my house.  That way, we don't have to carry anything to a church.  My knitting room is upstairs, but I think everyone who is active right now can handle the stairs.  I better clean it up, though!  And see if my poor Passap is stuck tight.  I haven't had time to knit on that one in a long time.  We are going to finish up the Raggedy Ann and Andy demonstrations.

I took a bit of a hiatus from knitting and designing, not intentionally, just too busy with work and life. 

Our son Steven purchased his first home, and we are excited for him.  It's a great house, close to his work, and we were busy for several weekends with helping him pull it all together.  We even showed up to help him move, but he has a roommate who generously helped out.  The two young, fit guys almost made it look easy - except that it was a very hot day, and their clothes were soaked through.  Steven has so much left to do!  His washing machine is leaking and needs a repair, the house hasn't got a single window covering, he wants a contrasting rug for the living room to add color since everything in the room now is dark brown, some furniture needs moved, bathroom hardware needs installed, and a light fixture needs fixed.  He plugs away at it.

As thousands of people have moved to Austin, home prices here have risen quickly and there is very little for sale.  In order to afford his house, Steven will have roommates. 

I continue to be busy with my weight loss group.  I'm in this non-commercial, volunteer program that helped me lose all my extra weight, and now I'm hoping to help other people as well as stay motivated to keep up my own new habits.  A while back, some of us started a group in my own neighborhood, so I've added that to my schedule.  Then there's a study group I attend and a weekend meeting, as well. 

In September, I'm teaching a seminar in Milwaukee.  When I get the surveys back, I'll build the handout book.  We haven't been to Milwaukee, and John and I are looking forward to it.  It will still be very hot here with that classis long Texas summer.  We're trying to get in a trip to Southern California to see family, and we also have another fun trip planned for November. 

My hope is to get back to my main knitting project soon, a mid-gauge book.

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