Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving! And Hi, Knitters

I've had the loveliest Wednesday before Thanksgiving! I hope y'all have, too.

If you're someplace that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving, or if you're cooking yourself into utter collapse, my prayer for you is that tomorrow you will have at least one of those magical moments when you feel completely blessed and loved.

Our son Steven flew in today, and it is wonderful to have him home! He has been away at college. He has been considering transferring to Texas, and has acceptances from UT and A&M to consider. His older brother is working today and then will drive down tonight or tomorrow.

My boss gave us all the day off today, as well as an extra day at Christmas, as a thank-you to the staff at our Boy Scout Council. It's been crazy busy at work lately, and enjoyed slowing down today. I spent the morning tidying up and knitting. My house is always in some state of clutter. We haven't figured out how to conquer our pack-rattiness.

I am knitting lace edgings. I create the chart in DAK (but I'm not using the lace tool for these) and then I download it to the 965i and knit it. I usually have to fix it to get the edging to work. Making the lace "travel" along the edge and create scallops or zigzags is an interesting challenge. I have a routine for making shaped edges, and a notebook full of original edgings I've done in the past. Of course, I didn't think any of the ones in the notebook were exactly right for the shawl I am making. Now I have several that I think will look good with the shawl, and must decide.

Does anybody have a Studio 160 (mid-gauge) sized garter bar for sale? I've been contacted by a knitter searching for one.

I also heard from Ludmilla today, who sent along an amazing web address, if you want some incredible garment inspiration: You will need to click on English first, and then you can click around the collections of beautiful knitwear.

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