Sunday, November 29, 2009

Knitting Videos & Copyrights

I have specifically asked everyone not to download and burn my knitting videos that I have posted on YouTube. However, the discussion swirls on. Aren't the videos public domain because they're on YouTube? Isn't it my own fault if people steal my work, for not publishing specific warnings?

Paragraph 5-B of the YouTube Terms of Service Agreement (for all YouTube users):

"You may access User Submissions for your information and personal use solely as intended through the provided functionality of the YouTube Website. You shall not copy or download any User Submission unless you see a “download” or similar link displayed by YouTube on the YouTube Website for that User Submission. "

It says the same general thing in several other ways. Read it youself. Furthermore, the copyright laws do not require specific warning or even copyright notices. Watch the videos, enjoy them, but don't burn your own CDs or DVDs. Link to them, and to this blog, if you like. If you really must have copies, wait for mine.


  1. Diana,

    What you have given to the machine knitting community is such a gift. I find it difficult to imagine that anyone would actually challenge your copyright. Sad. Thank you for your incredibly generous work. I have learned so much from your blog and videos, they have advanced me greatly as a MKer. I appreciate your willingess to share your expertise and creative process.

    Your videos are exceptionally well thought out and presented. Very clear, understandable and useful. I find myself eagerly awaiting each new video!

    Thank you for taking a stand to protect your intellectual property rights. They are hard to guard in this day of electronic data. I look forward to the opportunity to purchase videos from you.

    Madison, WI

  2. Diana: you have been a great help. I was second guessing myself in MK when your videos came along. Thank you! please do no give up. There is people and THERE IS people.

  3. Diana, I have so appreciated your videos. I am new to machine knitting and your videos have taught me a lot. Thank you so much for doing them! It is a shame that anyone would abuse your generosity. :(

  4. Diana--I just have to tell you how muchI appreciate what you are doing/have done for all of us that use your work both to learn from and the patterns that you share that we can use for gifts or what ever.

    I purchased my first and second machine while living in Wisconsin some time in the very early 90's, joined a knitting club and had a wonderful time. Collected books, went to meetings and Seminars, puzzled through concepts and new words and all that stuff. Then we moved down here to Tennessee and have lived, sorta(60 miles north west) in the Chattanooga area since 1994 and much to my shame all my stuff has been stored ever since.

    Now I have determined to start over in spite of the fact of no MK buddy or club or anything else for inspriation. But I'm determined!!Then I hit the wall of having to begin all over again. I stumbled upon you and am amazed, a classroom in my T.V.!!

    Now I just happened to have recently recieved from my Son-In-Law two sorta late model HP computers. Now we all know that only one can be used at a time yet, because he only buys HP's and I only do home put together clones this has been a real treat for me. Now, because they are gifts to me, I will keep them forever or they die, which ever comes first. So, having access to your knitting how to's has just become even better. Today I found at the BigK, had gone in checking for yarn and no they don't carry yarn any more, a computer desk-a compressed wood, just a top, keyboard slideout, and bottom shelf for CPU on wheels that needed a screw repair to the keyboard track, sitting fully assembled in the asile. Upon inqurey I discovered that I could have it for only $11.00. Yes, I grabbed it and ran. What a deal. Now, I'm sure you have figured out the rest of this story. I put the second computer, after hubby fixed the needed repair, with all it's stuff on the cart and now I can roll it out to where my knitting machines are and play, via DSL, these lessons that you have put on YouTube and relearn what I have forgotton over the years. I am so excited, I now have buddies who machine knit and a club to attend any time I want. Hobby Lobby has yarn and I understand that some of the Walmart super centers carry some and Michaels does too. So as we go to Chattanooga I can buy yarn and I'm delighted. Of course I know there are online shops too.

    I just had to tell you what a blessing you are for me THANK YOU for these videos they will bring me back up to speed. Oh btw, I was very sad to learn that Brother no longer makes knitting machines so though mine are aged, I have an 830 and a 910, I am thankful for them.

    Now, I do have a question, can I make the Baby Swirl Blanket any larger than 60 needles, I want to make it for an all ready 6 month old and think a larger one would be better. Thanks for your counsel, Ginny Syvertson-

  5. Ginny, if you want, you can make it enormous! My sample was on 60 needles on the bulky machine, and you could use more, even all 110 needles.

    Make a swatch and figure out the row gauge, rows per inch. Take the number of inches in diameter that you want (not the radius, which would only be halfway across), divide that by 4 and multiply the rows per inch. That'll give you the number of stitches at the wide edge of each triangle.

    For instance, if you want the blanket to be 48" and you are getting 6 stitches per inch, you will use 72 stitches.
