Saturday, July 24, 2010

New YouTube Video - About the Lace Edgings

I put up a video for YouTube - not much like the one with the book, which is 'way more detailed, but showing the basic idea, promoting the book, and hopefully, enough information so knitters can make scalloped lace from the Stitch World pattern.


  1. just checked out your new book...and I love it. It is just what I have been needing. I love to put lace edgings on garments and this will be invaluable to me! I'll probably put lace on everything now! :)


  2. those are some beautiful edgings i am looking to purchase a machine is the ultimate sweater machine any good

  3. i am going to purchase a machine is the ultimate sweater machine any good

  4. The ultimate sweater machine works well with very thick yarn, and any patterning you do, you hand-tool. It's slower going but not a bad place to start.

    The machines in my videos are widely available used. They are Brother standard and bulky gauge machines. The lace is all standard gauge.

  5. ok thanks i'll have a look on ebay for a used machine thanks for the advice

  6. I did some long essays on buying a machine here on the blog. You might run a search and have a look at them.

  7. Hi Diana
    Just received my book and DVD. Thank you so much for your prompt attention. I think the package is really good value and anyone watching your video should be successful at making these lovely edgings. I've not been a lace enthusiast before but can't wait to produce these edgings.
    Best wishes,
    Joan (Australia)
