Friday, November 5, 2010

Check this out! I ELIS HUS: Fern Lace Scarf.

Eli's knitted a very nice fern lace scarf using that interesting little technique I demoed on YouTube a week or so ago:

I ELIS HUS: Fern Lace Scarf.

I have a cool idea for this technique - can't wait to try it out. Wanna guess what it is?

Meantime - I'm at the hotel next door to Stacy's Furniture in the DFW area, all ready for the seminar which begins in the morning! Our car is all jammed with equipment - knitting machine, ribber, camera, TV to monitor, sound stuff, knit samples, tools, etc. I'm all cranked up and rarin' to go! This is going to be great.


  1. hi diana would you do a video showing how to do entrelac knitting as i would like to have a go at using it in a scarf but have no idea how to do it on the machine.

  2. Diana, I wish I were closer to you. I would love to come to one of your classes. Are you still going to do the video with the knitleader?? I have one but have never set it up to use. Your such a sweetheart to donate sooo much of your free time to the MK craft. I know that I will never be as good as you, but that won't stop me from trying!!Sheryl

  3. I have an excellent Entrelac book and video that I sell. My knitting customers really like it and make terrific Entrelac. My method is fairly easy. I don't use a lot of waste yarn, and I don't do long transfers from needle to needle.

    It's not amenable to YouTube, which only permits videos of 10 minutes.
