Friday, March 18, 2011

Ways to Improve Your Knitting - Rippit, Rippit

Sometimes you've got to frog.  rippit, rippit...

I've even heard it said that you can tell how good a knitter is by how fast she rips.  Of course you're going to get it wrong sometimes - that's why you rip and make it right.

So, none of this wimpy fear-of-unravelling, knitters! 

Machine knitters get frustrated with the difficulty of unravelling a lot of rows at once while keeping everything on the needles and in the hooks.  Here's an amazing shortcut which uses the garter bar needle stopper to make ripping amazingly painless:

Maybe you've already seen this video, but not tried for yourself.  Give this one a try!

1 comment:

  1. I came across your videos and then your Blog from a link on Face book earlier today. I am / was a machine knitter and even managed to achieve a Diploma in the subject in 2007 but I have never had much confidence in my abilities and now I hardly ever use my machines. I plan on watching your You Tube videos and have just subscribed to your Channel. Thanks for being there for us Diana!
