Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Afternoon Progress Report

Working on my prototype shaped Entrelac project.  Here it is, messy and no seams sewn yet, except for the joint between the Entrelac yoke and the body pieces. 

I worked out the neckline issues posed by the Entrelac, and now I've got the ribbed neckband attached and am quite happy with it.  It fits over the head just fine, and the ribbing is doubled, for a soft, warm stretchy band.

I expected the neckband to be more difficult than it was.

After that, I knitted two sleeves, which were also okay.  The back, however, was not good - I made a shaping error related to that challenging transition between the wide Entrelac gauge and the regular gauge. I redid it.  The front will be just like the back.

I plan to sew a trim over the edge of the yoke where it meets the stockinette stitch.  Because the Entrelac is slanted, wide, and textured, that's always a problem area.  I think a distinct edge will look nice there.

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