Friday, September 7, 2012

Knit Natters Meets Saturday (Tomorrow)!

Here's my shopping bag from the Microsoft Store, and it's not a dainty little bag.  It's photographed sitting on top of one of my not-so-dainty kitchen chairs, and to give the picture scale, I threw a pair of full-size scissors on the seat of the chair.  A toddler could probably hide in this big bag.  In other words, this is a great bag for yarn, very big and fairly sturdy.
The bag is filled about halfway and bulging with slippers that I have knitted, most of which I'll give to Barbara tomorrow for the soldiers.  And, these are only the adult-sized slippers I knitted to test my patterns.  I also knitted a gob of kiddie sizes, which I'll have to donate somewhere else.
I will swipe a couple samples out of the bag for when I go to seminar and teach the techniques in the new book.  I've had an awfully good time writing this book, and all that is left (that I know of) is to do a little more filming and editing.  Then we're ready to print, burn disks, and advertise! 
Whatever my next project will be, it will be completely different.  I like to change things up.

Tomorrow, the knit club meets at Point of Grace church in Pflugerville, which has generously offered us space for the September meeting.  I'm going to bring my LK-150 and teach the mocassin slipper.  Barbara, who had back surgery recently, will be there, but I don't think she'll be teaching s Passap lesson.  
Speaking of change, I have a brand-new, rather trendy haircut, and I need to adjust to it.  I loved the idea of a different hairstyle coming on the heels of a heavy-duty birthday, but this is a big change, from long, straight hair well below my shoulders to a chin-length, layered feathery messy thing.  I am probably too old to pull it off, but I am definitely too old to pull off the long hippie hair!  Maybe when I get a chance I'll ask John to take a picture and put it  up on the blog. 
I've been quiet on the blog.  We're working on budgets at work, quite a big project, with hours of typing and proofreading, and I'm coming home tired. 


  1. I just cut my hair short again after growing it out for about 3-4 years. But with the heat of the summer, I just couldn't take it anymore & it is so very thick too!

  2. Why not do a book on the totes & purses that you made?? I would love to have the pattern for the little gold & silver hand bag that you did. You might want to do some grocery totes, since they are talking about getting rid of the plastic bags. I think that would be a great book!!

    (BTW:I can't wait to see the new haircut. I always had my hair long too, but after chemo I found out that I like short hair!!)
