Monday, June 10, 2013

Weekend Updates

Knit Natters met yesterday, a small group, but we certainly had fun.  When summer sets in, attendance drops, just like any club, but we just keep on going faithfully.  I demoed the sew-as-you-go tam, and my friend Norma had seen it on the blog and said she had problems with the video.  I believe I have those problems fixed.  YouTube was giving me huge heartburn the day I put that up - it actually took five tries.  If it's still sending you to a different video, or not finishing the whole video, let me know, and I'll reload the stinker.

Barbara demonstrated a really cute scalloped edging on the Passap, which I think can be done on the Japanese machines.  Next time I go doodling around on my machine, I'll attempt it.  Barbara's Passap demos are fantastic.  Last month she showed us drop stitch lace as well as U100E lace.  Gorgeous.

We are still producing and bringing hats for charity.  The pile grows!  We started talking about our next Knit-In, probably in October.

Mary A. made a cupcake hat, which she presented to Carl.  Here's the background on this:  several years ago, when Carl, Barbara, John and I went to do my first seminar in Houston, we were clowning around on the trip home, and teasing Carl about being a tough guy.  Carl is a big man, a truck driver and a woodworker, and certainly LOOKS like he could be a tough guy, but I told him he's a cupcake.  He's a sweetie and pushover for his wife, kids, grandkids, and friends.  Pretty soon Barbara was calling him Cupcake, and now the knitting club is calling him Cupcake, too (he's always helping the club with things, including barbequing hamburgers for us when we have a knit-in).  Mr. Carl the Cupcake loves his Cupcake hat.  :)
By the way, the cupcake hat pattern is over at the DFW Machine Knitting Guild's website.

Before the meeting, Barbara and Sylvia had gone to a a craft fair at Tech Shop.  Tech Shop is a business (several locations at a few cities in the US) where you subscribe as a member and then can use their fantastic tool collection. It's mostly guy-candy like pro woodworking and machining tools, but they also have long-arm quilting machines (drool, drool...), professional sewing machines, and so forth. The club was checking it out, considering getting a booth and demonstrating KMs at a future fair, but the ladies were disappointed on their scouting mission.  There were herds of children banging nails into woodworking projects, behaving, but making an amazing amount of noise and sitting on the floor so they couldn't walk around and see things.  Hopefully, that's just a glitch and the next event will be different.  One thing our club doesn't do much is demonstrate KMs at events.  Several of us are willing, if we can find events.


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