I'll probably blog about tuck mosiac more later. It really is an interesting technique, floatless,
interesting on both sides, and wide for the number of needles and yarn thickness.

I got back into the knitting room Monday and spent the day editing videos. (I put up my monthly videos ahead of time - otherwise, I don't think I'd have one every month. It is time to do more. I had some already filmed, got them edited and ready, and am happy with the videos I have for y'all so far.)
Tuesday, I was out in the morning, then came home and did various chores until late afternoon. I thought, I've got an hour and then I want to cook. What can I knit in an hour? My eyes landed on this unfinished blanket.
I started out thinking I'd put a smooth wide I-cord edge up the sides, and I even worked a sample. It looked okay, but it was slow going and a little tricky to space evenly, with all the tucks confusing what is visible on the back side.

On the video, I was careful about what loops I picked up on that blanket, spacing it just right as I made the edge. On my little mosiac, though, with all the tuck stitches, I simply used the "jab" method and garment tension. Jab the 3-prong transfer tool in just after the last place you picked up. I tried to be about a stitch in from the edge so there were at least 2 loops on top of the tool, which kept my edging along a straight column of stitches - but I didn't always hit that spot. Any "misses" are not very noticeable because of the edging.
This went so fast - I was finished in that hour.
I didn't know if I'd get away with "jabbing" - maybe the edge would wrinkle or flare, or the edging would wander in and out along the side - but it looks great. I haven't blocked it yet, and I'm not sure I'll bother. The worm edge is awesome in that way.
And I still love the way the worm edge looks, with a nice twisted cord look. It's especially nice in this project, which was done on the standard gauge machine, because it's small and delicate.