Monday, June 15, 2009

June Knit Natters Meeting

We had knit club today! We met at Barbara’s house, and we had Mildred Beeson and Pat and Sara Tittizer.

I brought all the stuff for sponge bar rehab and told everyone to take enough for their immediate needs. The instructions to redo sponge bars (cheap, easy, simple supplies) are on, complete with details and photographs. This is not your usual weather-stripping method – it’s much less expensive and I think the sponge bars are better this way.

Barbara had been knitting slippers for the troops (her son-in-law is in Iraq). She’s knitted dozens of them on her Passap. She knits in fisherman ribbing up to the toe, then switches to regular knitting at the toe, which makes the toe narrower. Barbara knits them off her machine attached in pairs by waste yarn. We were trying them on and checking them out. I will have to see if she has a pattern she can share or at least a reference for the pattern to put on the website.

Barbara’s been cranking out afghans and goodies prolifically, clearing some of her yarn stash. She actually runs her Passap during commercials while they watch television and gets an incredible amount done.
Pat Titizzer has handknitted two absolutely gorgeous, airy lace shawls, and I took photographs. There are many, many hours in these incredible projects. These will get blue ribbons at shows, natch.

Since we had all played with Mildred’s Mattel knitter last month, she brought in a doll dress and hat she made with it.


  1. Wonderful to read your Blog. Love the idea of the slippers for the troops. The shawls are unbelievably beautiful - a talented lady.

    I would appreciate if you could direct me to the site for repairing sponge bars as will not work for me.

    Look forward to seeing the instructions for the slippers if available.

    [not far from Sydney, NSW, Aust]

  2. Knitssings has the most amazing instructions on how to redo old sponge bars. Paste this url into the browser:
