Saturday, November 28, 2009

Circular Swirl Baby Blanket - Written Pattern

Swirl Baby Blanket
By Diana Sullivan

Round, 36” diameter blanket
Machine: 9mm Bulky Flatbed
Samples were knitted on Brother 270, Tension 4
Yarn: Bernat Coordinates – acrylic/rayon/nylon sport weight baby yarn
3 5-1/2 ounce skeins; 1 dark pink, 2 light pink

Make 5 dark pink triangles and 5 light pink triangles, alternating colors.

Rewind the yarn into center pull balls.

Please refer to the video instructions on YouTube. Here's the link list for those videos:

First triangle: Using a short length of waste yarn, cast on over two needles, #30 left and #29 left. With dark pink yarn, knit 2 rows from left to right and knit back. Carriage on left. Increase on every second row on the right side only by bringing out one more needle on the right and knitting across and back. There is no increase on the left side of the knitting. The triangle will be asymmetrical with a straight side and an increase side. Continue increasing in this way until there are 60 needles in work and take the triangle off on waste yarn.

Second triangle: Carriage on left. Hold the triangle with the purl side toward you, the straight, non-increase side of the triangle on top, and the waste yarn on the right. Pick up the bars along the side edge of the knitting onto 60 needles (pick up a knot along the edge somewhere away from the ends, if necessary). Hang weights. Bring needles to hold and push stitches back against machine. Add 1 empty needle in working position at the left. Thread the lighter pink yarn. Set machine so it will not knit needles in hold position. On carriage side of knitting (left) bring one needle to intermediate position so the first 2 needles will knit. Knit from left to right, then knit back. Don’t bother to wrap.

Bring one more needle from hold to intermediate position, and knit 2 rows. Repeat this method of increasing until all needles are in work, ending with knit 2 rows. Knit several rows of waste yarn and take off machine.

Third Triangle With the first two triangles purl side toward you and the dark pink triangle’s straight side up and waste yarn on the right, hang the bars onto 60 needles the same way the second triangle was hung. Put needles in hold and knit with light pink yarn in the same way as the second triangle.

Fourth through Ninth Triangles are made in the same way, alternating light and dark pink colors.

Tenth Triangle Hang the ninth triangle on in the same way the other triangles were hung. Put needles in hold. Hang weights. Add one needle at left side, as usual. On the first triangle, put transfer tool in first increase (at center of circle), twist the increase to make the increase hole close, and hang it on the empty needle. Bring the first needle on the left to intermediate position so it will knit. Thread lighter pink and knit 2 rows. Bring next needle from hold to intermediate position. Hang next increase loop on first triangle onto the same needle at left edge of knitting, twisting the loop, and knit 2 rows. Continue in this way until all stitches are knitted and the entire first triangle is joined.

Worm Edging: Using triple transfer tool, hang 3 stitches from waste yarn around edge of blanket. Knit 8 rows. Pick up next 3 stitches and hang them on the same three needles. Do worm edging all the way around the blanket, end by hanging the first 3 stitches and binding off.

Finishing: Sew one of the ends through each stitch in the center and draw it up. Hide all the ends. Steam the blanket lightly (this yarn is mainly acrylic, and heavy steaming will make it limp).

© Diana Sullivan Copyrighted material, all rights reserved.


  1. hang on 60 needles each triangle. In your video you say 60 and then correct it to 59. Is the left needle pulled out on the left after hanging, 61 or do you just hang 59 and then add that one to total 60?

  2. Sorry, but it's been too long and I don't remember. One stitch does not matter. It's probably the latter.

  3. Diana answered someone under part 2 of the 3 videos:

    Diana Sullivan4 years ago

    1. Yes, an empty needle on the left is brought out. 2. Well, it's 59 picked up plus that empty needle, so 60 all together. 3. Pick up just the leg on the very edge. You might have to pick up one "knot" to get all 59 picked up.

  4. Diana answered this under Part 2 of her video on this blanket:

    Diana Sullivan4 years ago

    1. Yes, an empty needle on the left is brought out. 2. Well, it's 59 picked up plus that empty needle, so 60 all together. 3. Pick up just the leg on the very edge. You might have to pick up one "knot" to get all 59 picked up.
