Thursday, August 12, 2010

All Kinds of Updates

I'm actually in Irving, Texas this morning on business and enjoying staying in a hotel.  I work for a Boy Scout Council, and am attending a terrific, practical class at the National Council offices.  Back home tomorrow.  John packed a book order for me last night - we keep on shipping every day!

eBay - I've been asked if I sell on eBay, and yes, I do.  I have two IDs - jsulliva has been our family ID for years and I am trying to establish diana_natters as an ID to keep knitting separate for cleaner bookkeeping.  I get a big kick out of shopping on eBay for all sorts of things, and it seems like a great way to get my books and DVDs seen, so there I am.  But you know, you can always go to and see everything currently available. 

Houston Seminar is coming up VERY soon and they've got openings!  I have just finished the handout booklet, and it's going to be a terrific seminar (if I say so myself).  If we get through half the stuff in those books our brains will all be bulging, and I'm trying to put enough info in the books so folks can do things on their own later without too much note-taking.  Email me at diana_knits *at*  for more information.

Hats I'm knitting round tams.  When we were in Southern California, John's mom said she really uses the one I gave her some time back, so I'm knocking out some more.  I devised an automatic short-row and they have a pinwheel effect.  The techniques are filmed for hand-short-rowing but not edited yet.

Knit Natters meets this Saturday.  Pat Tittizer is demonstrating on the Japanese machines (geometric shapes for modular knitting, I think) and Barbara Deike is working on cut-and-sew using DAK.  I'm watching and learning, but I promised to do my tams later.


  1. do you have any 12 stitch graghs for my 155 12 stitch punchcard bulky knitting machine please

  2. No, sorry, I'm not working on any 12-stitch punchcard bulky stuff these days.
