Monday, August 30, 2010

Interesting Ruching at Art Machines

Art Machines: This is such drapirovochka!

Anybody know what that last word means? Anyway, I like this blog, even though Google Translate from Russian to English usually doesn't give me anything comprehensible. She has some great photos.


  1. hi diana sulavin do u know which is the best brother standard gauge knitting machine is out of the range of the brother punchcard machines.

  2. They had a recent model, 890 or 891, I think, that had a lot of features. If you get the newer ones, they'll work with a garter carriage.

    Even the old 24-stitch machines were very, very good, though we didn't have garter carriages with those. Some of the newer ones have pattern isolation where you can have a motif by itself instead of patterns all the way across. My first machine was an 830, and it was quite good, but no isolation.

  3. Diana, this translated: drapery, folds.

  4. Thanks, Anna! All this talent, and you speak English, too? We Americans are terrible that way, with most of us speaking only one language. I do have a little Spanish, very useful in my part of the country.

    Gosh, I love your blog, and isn't it fun to make machine knitting friends around the world!

    You are a fine photographer. It's not easy to get knitting things to show up well.

  5. I'm thinking I have heard it used in reference to smocking. But then I don't smock & could be wrong, but it seems to fit when I see Anna translated it as drapery or folds.

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