Friday, September 30, 2011

Reminder: Knit Natters Seminar in Central Texas

Knit Natters' MK seminar is October 7th and 8th at Crystal Falls Baptist Church in Leander, Texas. Registration is $60 for the two days, and we're limited to 35 people. Barbara Deike, Pat Tittizer Sara Tittizer and I are teaching.

We're serving breakfast and lunch.  We have fantastic door prizes ready to go, and we'll have items for sale, too, including some machines. 
Planned classes:

Passap Lock Settings - Clear explanations of the E6000 settings (Barbara).

Garter Bar Workshop - Inc, dec, flip, turn cables, make lace with garter bar on Japanese machine. (Diana)

Form Computer Workshop - Learn the Passap E6000's charting system for a child's sweater (Barbara).

Thread Lace - Lots of samples & innovative uses, Japanese machines. (Pat)

Weaving - A world of possibilities, many samples and instructions for using Japanese machine weaving (Pat).

Passap Sock - A fast, simple, sock on the E6. (Diana)

Hands-On Seaming Session - Kitchener stitch, mattress stitch, and even Smiles and Frowns. (Group of teachers)

Measuring Session - Accurate measurements and great worksheets to do individually. (Pat)

Plarn - Plastic yarn is free, fun, recycled, colorful, and it has its own unique properties and uses. (Sara and Pat)

Introduction to Spinning - Hands-on drop spindle class! Everyone gets a taste of spinning. (Sara)

Sara's Fairies - One of our club's favorite Knit Natters classes of all time.  (Sara)

To Register, send a check for $60 to Barbara Deike, 615 Deer Creek Lane,Leander, Texas 78641, and enclose a note indicating that you're registering for the seminar. Include name, contact info, how long kniting, and what machines you have/use. 

Questions?  Ask here in the comments, or email me at diana_knits "at" sbcglobal "dot" com.

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