Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Few More Thoughts About Spring Fling

Home again, late Sunday night, rather tired, and thought I'd say a few more things about Spring Fling before I move on to the Raleigh seminar mentally.

First of all, if you were there and came to my classes or purchased any of my products, thank you!  I met some absolutely lovely people and was thrilled at how quickly people caught on to such illogical things as the way that I keep track of scalloped edgings when I'm working them in Stitch World. 

I can't say it often enough:  if you aren't attending seminars, please try one.  Here are some of the benefits of the Knit Knack seminar:

Shopping:  You won't find such a variety of essential supplies and inspirational extras anywhere.  We had, after all, five teachers there (plus Charlene!), and everybody brought fun stuff to sell.  In addition, there were massive displays of tools, equipment, yarn, and books from the Knit Knack Shop.  Plus, there were folks right there - your fellow knitters plus dealers - to help you figure out exactly what would work best for you.  

One shopping example - I had a limited run of copies of "Wear Your Diamonds" books/disks at the seminar, which I sold there but don't have ready to advertise and sell online yet.  Folks at seminar tend to see the very latest stuff.
Repairs:  Harold was in his repair area, doing fixes, answering questions about machine issues, and generally solving knitters' issues with the mechanics of the craft.   He stocks all kinds of parts and it only makes sense to bring along your ailing gear while you are there.

Inspiration and ideas:  In addition to all the goodies the designers bring to the seminar, there are the beautiful things the participants wear and bring to share.  I could have spent the entire day taking pictures and not even gotten them all.  Of course, I would have had to start all over the second day.  It is very valuable to freshen up your creativity by exposing yourself to other people who do things differently.

Collaboration:  All around the event, I saw friends comparing notes, discussing projects, matching up colors, and planning club meetings and events.

Fun:  Most of all, we had fun!  On Friday night at the hotel, Barbara heard a lot of laughing; on Saturday night, we found a group of ladies playing a card and dice game out in the hotel lobby area and having a grand old time.  Groups went to restaurants, went shopping, gossiped, laughed, teased, and traveled together.

Okay, I'm knocking off now.  Answered a few emails, didn't bother to unpack, and am calling it quits for tonight.  Catch ya later.


  1. Wish I could have been there, looked and sounds WONDERFUL! Thank you for sharing with those of us who could not make it.

    Get rest.

    1. Hay Diana! I am your biggest fan and I was at Spring Fling, and I totally agree with your analysis of the weekend! I brought so many books and tools and ideas home with me I'm just about busting!!!
      And I remember telling myself "I'll never dye or spin" and then you said you dye with Kool-Aid and it's all over. My 8 year old granddaughter heard me talk about it and first thing she said was "MeeMah! We gotta get some white yarn!". (She is so smart to think that way!) Anyway, as I was perusing a knitting website, I found info on KA dyeing and found a nugget of info you might like to know - one lady uses gray yarn (don't know if it was natural or dyed color) and got some lovely purples! Maybe that's the secret you've been looking for!
      Thanks for everything, KnittinBunny

  2. Hey, Bunny,

    I have a YouTube video about dyeing with Kool-Aid! I explain it pretty well. Here's the link:

    Or just go to YouTube and search for Kool Aid and Diana Sullivan and it'll pop up.
