Saturday, November 24, 2012

Scarf Knit-Along

A terrific club project - a progressive, charity scarf knit-along!

Hi Diana 

Sometime ago we spoke and I mentioned the charity  summer project our machine knit club was doing.

Eight of us ladies from the Kawartha Carriage Knit Club where working on scarves for a charity in our local area.  Each of us started a scarf (most of us did two) and then placed it in a paper bag and we meet at each others homes and exchanged projects without looking into the bag. The idea was to not look at the progress on each scarf as we meet, each person only got to see the scarf (or scarves) they took home to work the next section on.

We had all agreed to use either our mid-gauge or bulky machine and keep the width around the 30 to 38 stitches  and knit approximately eight inches a section. 

As we are all at different levels of knitting we had an open option of pattern to knit but to also consider trying new stitches to challenge ourselves.  We agreed also to use an acrylic yarn that was suitable for the given machines and what ever color we felt went with the already scarf in progress. 

Six of us took turns making lunch ( and they where delicious lunches with the some wonderful desserts)  and we would go home with a different (new to us) scarf to work on until we meet up again. It was a great learning experience and a pleasure to visit with each other over lunch and build on our friendships.

They are now complete and gift bagged up ready to be deliver to the charity in our area as a little warmth of caring to ladies in need of compassion.

Us ladies in the group pictures  Margaret, Marg, Betty, Barb,  Nancy (myself), Pat and the two missing from the pictures are Krys and Ialean. 

I hope you have enjoyed hearing a little what other knitters are doing. 

Thank-you  & enjoy



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