We had a terrific Knit Natters meeting on Saturday, September 12, 2009, at Barbara Deike's home in Leander, Texas. Above are Barbara, holding her lifelike baby doll, and Tiffany, Barbara's granddaughter, holding one of Barbara's Afghan Lovely afghans.
Sara Tittizer did lesson, teaching us to spin. She gave each of us a drop spindle and wool roving in two colors. Using two colors as you learn is a way to see how much twist you are putting on the yarn.
It was no surprise to me what a patient teacher Sara is, since that's her profession, and she is such a patient person. She took her time with each of us and got us to the point where we were actually spinning usable yarn. Above, she is helping Sylvia Moore, showing her how to control the wool and keep the drop spindle rotating:
Barbara's granddaughter, Tiffany, was spinning, too!
Mildred showing Mary Page her knitting, and on the right, Mary Page showing us her incredible, soft roving from her own alpacas!
Mildred Beeson holding Barbara's lifelike baby doll, and on the right, some of Mildred's hats made on the Innovations circular knitting machine.
On the left, Balkan hats and a wrist warmer that Pat Tittizer knitted, and on the right (gee, I wish the picture did justice to the tiny, shiny beads), Pat's incredible hand beaded work. She and Sara had gone to the Campbell Folk School, and Sara learned to embellish gourds while Pat was taking a course in intricate beading. I wish I had some gourd photos!
More show-and-tell from Pat Tittizer! On the left, Norwegian mittens and wrist warmers, and on the right, a closeup of two of the gorgeous beaded projects.
Sylvia Moore was there, wearing one of her amazing embroidered T-shirts, and she remarked that she had expected our show-and-tell to be all knitting. Nope, we pretty much hold a free-for-all during show and tell. We want our members to bring whatever they're working on at the time, and sometimes it's a story or experience.
Tiffany wearing a sweater made for her by her grandmother, Barbara, on the left, and on the right, another amazing tote bag that Mildred Beeson made. Mildred lines her totes, adds pockets inside and out, puts a clasp on top, and often embellishes them, as well. This one has filet crochet on the outside pocket and was made from drapery fabric.
My show-and-tell was my video knitting lessons that I have been putting up on the web.
Carl Deike showed pictures of their recent trip to Big Bend, Texas - on the television - aren't digital cameras great? I didn't even realize there were any mountains in Texas, let alone such as a beautiful, cool place to go in summer.
Barbara Deike also did a Passap lesson for us on "mock garter stitch," which we all decided ought to be described as a lace stitch. This was very pretty, but what I was excited about was learning a little more that can be done with the U100 transfer carriage.
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