Friday, October 16, 2009

Goodies from Barry Arrived!

Barry Travis is a participant in the online circular sock knitting machine community, and answered a lot of my questions and dished up lots of encouragement as I was learning. Now that I'm a habitual sock cranker, and he was selling a 15-pair grab bag of sock yarn, I couldn't resist. He also has coned boot yarn for sale, and I bought some, but haven't tried it yet. I have bought parts from him before. It really helps to have a good, new cylinder springs, and I bought a couple of those as well to put on my Gearhart, which I plan to use soon for some sock yarn I have that is too fat for the 72-stitch cylinder.
I like the colors! There's enough for a pair of socks in each color scheme.
No affiliation, he's just a nice guy and a good source for CSM parts. Barry is at if you want to email him about his items for sale.

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