Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ribber Swatch #3

Pictures are acting wonky on Blogger, but here's a lacy tuck stitch that I think has interesting possibilities. Flat it's a tuck stitch we've all seen before, but since it's based on a 1x1 rib, and blocked open just a little gives a knit-and-purl lacy stitch. It's very fussy, though - a little goes a long way visually, at least in this big gauge.

Pattern 125 in my Stitch World, only the out-of-work needles are ribber needles:

o x o x x x o x
o x o x x x o x
o x o x x x o x
o x o x x x o x
x x o x o x o x
x x o x o x o x
x x o x o x o x
x x o x o x o x

Here's a concept - try any tuck stitch that's intended to have out of work needles (a tuck lace) and make the out of work needles be ribber needles instead of empties.
I probably can't get any video done tonight - too many other things on the schedule, but I do have plans involving this stitch, too.

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