Friday, February 3, 2012

Ribbed Bubble Scarf

I was supposed to be working on the mid-gauge charts for the new book, but instead, I knitted this last night:

This was made on the Brother bulky, and could probably be done on any machine with a ribber.  It didn't take too long, but I did have to pay attention!  I'll put up a video.  I want to make a larger item, a "Bubble Wrap."


  1. That is lovely! Will you publish the pattern?

  2. That is beeooooteeeful! I messed around with a lacy edging from a sweater pattern and made 3 cool scarves from that yarn that has possum in it. Don't cringe - this possum is a marsupial from New Zealand and is considered a pest animal, so they are using its hair to spin with merina to make a soft, warm yarn. They are really lovely, but I had to really concentrate while I was doing it - couldn't even listen to music without making a mistake! Very hard to hold my concentration long enough to finish a little scarf - don't think I'd make it through a shawl!

  3. I would love to play with that possum yarn. It's pricey, isn't it? And very warm?

    Maybe one of these days. My circular sock machines have been neglected of late.

  4. This is georgeous I can't wait for the video!!!

  5. I am anxiously awaiting your video on this scarf!

  6. Hope this is one of your next great videos!!! Please, please, please...........
