Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Seminar in Colorado This Weekend

I'm finishing getting ready to go teach at a machine knitting seminar in Broomfield, Colorado (near Denver) on Saturday.  If anyone thinks they might be able to make it, if you email me at diana_knits "at" sbcglobal "dot" net, I don't have particulars but can get you contact information for the club's organizers.

I am almost ready to go.  I have the handouts, nice spiral-bound books with all the techniques and a bunch of patterns printed, plus a seminar special ready to go (it's a free-with-purchase DVD), I have samples to bring, merchandise to bring, and the big one, at least for me, is that I have gone over all the demonstrations and made sure they're familiar (I forget if I don't knit things again every so often), making samples as I refreshed my memory.

Each club asks for different things, and this weekend I am teaching more lace than usual - mirror image lace and my mirror image lace shawl.  I am also teaching some ribber techniques and some garter bar work, in particular fair isle round yokes.

While it is work, I also have a great time.  Knitters are just a generally enjoyable crowd and they always bring bright ideas to seminar (sometimes they wear them!).  Also, I enjoy those special moments when something I show actually is going to be very helpful to someone.  There's a look in the eye that I'm not privileged to see when I'm at my computer

Barbara's going with me to be my right-hand person, and as a lefty, wow, do I need one!  What I experience is that once we begin, I am so mentally consumed keeping track of what I'm demonstrating, making sure my explanations are sufficient and clear, and paying attention to everyone that I can't be conscious of much else.  Being "on" and teaching is a little foreign for accountants, but I used to teach accounting and I used to teach knitting classes, so I can switch into that person.  She's a different persona than my usual detailed, quiet number-nerdy self.  Barbara will stop me for breaks, take care of business for me, and answer lots of questions from knitters. 

I'm very excited to be doing this, and when this one's done, I need to dig in and help with the Knit Natters first seminar which we are planning for fall and which will include some Passap classes. 

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