I'm packing our bags for another seminar, this time in the Bay Area. John is going with me and has some machine knitting repairs to do.
I've worked hard on this curriculum, and now, because the S.F. knitters have asked for fitting, I've written a

Most of the curriculum will be focused on machine knitting techniques, especially things that I have not taught in that part of the country. In other words, new demonstrations. I'm doing a bunch of cool hand-manipulated techniques and garter bar basics on the first day, and on the second day, I've got some brand-new lace material that the Minnesota knitters loved.
I also put a big section in the back of the book with bonus patterns. They have some relatively new machine knitters in that guild - so let's get 'em knitting!
I think the group has room for more attendees, if you are interested. Their website, "Machine Knitters Guild of the San Francisco Bay Area," is here. If you have never attended a machine knitting guild meeting or seminar, you're in for a wonderful surprise. Knitters are incredibly fun and welcoming, and you'll be blown away by the ideas you'll carry home from hanging out with the other machine knitters.