Wednesday, April 21, 2010

MayDay Contest

Other blogs have giveaway contests, and I'm jealous!.  Best photo of your machine knitted item wins a DVD set - you choose, either the garter bar course, sock DVD and book, or the Entrelac DVD and booklet.  Email your photos as .jpgs to me by May 1, 2010.  I'll find an objective judge who doesn't know y'all, so I can weasel out of responsibility.

Make sure it's a photo you don't mind my posting.  I want to put some of them on the blog and "brag on you," as we say in Texas.  Besides, a blog without pictures is like a dessert without chocolate.

My email is diana_knits AT (AT = @).


  1. Your contest Sounds like fun. I bought your sock DVD and I am making socks with it!!! It is perfect for those who do not know how to make pattern in different sizes. Having it all there for me has saved me so much work and frustration. I Love it and it is even better then the youtube videos. Some day if you make a video and work sheet on how to make ladies sweaters in different sizes like the socks.... I would buy. You have a knack for teaching that I can follow. I just need to have someone to follow and I can catch on and soar on my own. Thanks again Your work is worth the buy. Penny

  2. Who can resist a contest with great prizes????
    Gotta get knitting :D
