Tuesday, September 6, 2016

What I'm Knitting

I've actually been knitting quite a few things!  I'm plugging away at a mid-gauge book.  I wanted to include a warm scarf.  Even though the book is written with beginners in mind, I didn't want the usual beginner's scarf - an ordinary rectangle.  I wanted it to be interesting to knit and interesting-looking, as well.  I wanted for fellow knitters to say to the knitter, "How'd you DO that?"  I also wanted it to be easy, not to require a tremendous amount of hand-tooling.

I decided to go diagonal and use a self-patterning yarn.  I like this alpaca blend from Hobby Lobby, "Fair Isle." One day I saw the yarn in the store, and the next morning I had the idea and went back to the store to buy some.  The geometry was great fun - the whole thing is slanted, and initially, I wasn't sure how to get nice scarf ends.  The way it's folded and sewed together solves that problem. 

I am also getting ready to teach at two seminars.  I'll be in Milwaukee weekend after next, and then in Chicago in October. 

Later in October, I'm attending Mary Anne Oger's seminar in Dallas with my girlfriends.  I'm excited about that, as well, since I haven't yet attended one of her seminars and I loved her magazine, "Knit Words."  I hear she does a terrific seminar.


  1. Hi Diana, could you share a bit more about your seminar in Milwaukee this weekend? My friend and I are interested in it. Thank you!

    1. I just heard from the organizer, and there is room! Just show up at the Germantown Library, in Germantown, Wisconsin this morning? We are starting at 9 a.m. The organizer is Peg, and you can ask for her, or if you see me, I'll find her for you.

  2. I'm teaching tomorrow and Saturday. I don't know if they have room for more people - but you can email me privately and I'll give you a phone number. Better hurry - I'm about to turn in for the night at the hotel.

    Unfortunately, with travel, I just saw this note.

  3. Hi Diana, thank you for your kind reply. I'm sorry I couldn't reply you sooner. I was hoping to go to the class if it's on Saturday or Sunday, but I had to work on Friday. If I knew about it early enough, I could have taken the day off but I couldn't yesterday. Hopefully there's another chance. :) Thank you!

  4. Diana I am a newbie. I have enjoyed your utube videos. Do you think you will have seminoars in n. ca sometime soon?

  5. I have taught in San Diego, San Francisco, and Anaheim. I don't have any California seminars lined up right now, but I will go back when one of the groups can use me!
