Friday, July 10, 2020

Wow - I made a Top 5 Blog List

My little blog is in the top 5 for machine knitting:

This really went to my head.  (Nah, it's marketing.  It's like being in "Who's Who Among High School Students," which gets your parents to buy the book.)

You should see Dear John making fun of me.  First he said, "You mean? There are five?"  Well, I am sure there are a few more than five...I follow quite a few, but most of us don't post often.

I certainly don't have such a good blog now that I haven't had much time to post.  At least I'm getting my monthly video posted. 

I might have picked some different blogs, and I knew some of these, but the best thing about this is I checked out a couple blogs I didn't know about, and they are awesome!

I especially like these:

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